Is Your Adult Child Entitled?

Blog Is Your Adult Child Entitled? Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Raising children is hard work. It is both exhausting and rewarding. Once they have flown the nest your job doesn’t stop here, and you will forever be there for them if they need you. As they get older they don’t need you…

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Talking to Your Kids About Human Trafficking

Blog Talking to Your Kids About Human Trafficking Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC I recently came across some important information regarding human trafficking that I think everyone should be aware of. Human trafficking affects numerous lives by depriving individuals of their freedom and inflicting trauma on both the victims and their families. According…

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Keeping Those Brains Working Over Summer

Blog Keeping Those Brains Working Over Summer Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Summer is here, and the kids are home from school, ready to have fun. It’s a season of discovery, spending quality time with family and friends, and exploring new places. However, it’s important to keep the kids engaged in learning over…

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Depression, Understanding it, and Helping Loved Ones

Blog Depression, Understanding it and Treatment Learning How to Help Your Loved One Through it. Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC According to the NIMH, in 2021, 21 million adults experienced depression in the United States. Females are more likely to suffer from depression than males, according to NIMH. Depression causes people to lose…

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Don’t Live Vicariously Through Your Children

Blog It’s Not Healthy for Your Children if You are Trying to Live Vicariously Through Them Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Strike one, strike two, strike three…., and you’re out. So often in sports parents have the best of intentions for their children, however, they may be causing anxiety, depression, and the need…

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Finding Your Tribe in a Lonely World

Blog Finding Your Tribe in a Lonely World Building a Support System is Important Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Life is getting back to normal post-pandemic. However, the pandemic has taken a lot out of many people, and it’s essential to find your tribe, which isn’t always easy to do. Building a deep…

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Eating Disorders, Providing Awareness

Blog Eating Disorders, Providing Awareness During Eating Disorder Awareness Month Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Eating disorders are the disruption of eating design that transforms a negative relationship with food, causing poor physical and psychological health. It is a psychological condition that is unhealthy, leading to psychological conditions, and many people become obsessed…

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Do It Now, Sometimes Later Never Happens!

Blog Do It Now Sometimes Later Never Happens! Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Procrastination can be linked to a person’s self-control; it is easy to put off tasks occasionally, but people who procrastinate avoid tasks on purpose and look for distractions. Around 20% of humans represent chronic procrastinators (Batcho, K, 2024). People who…

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It Is Time to Normalize Men Have Feelings

Blog It is time to normalize men have feelings Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Warning: this article discusses suicide. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call the 24 hotline 988 or proceed to the nearest emergency room. If the topic of suicide is a trigger for you, do…

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It’s Time to Start Thinking About Summer Camp

Blog It’s time to start thinking about Summer Camp Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC School will be out of session in just a few short months, and children of all ages will be on their way to summer camp. Many great childhood memories stem from summer camp. It is a great way to…

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